Copyright Caution Notice
This has come to the notice of the company that some other websites are using the contents of our website www.arjanind.com for their use. This is to inform that all the website design, pictures, text and graphics layout and the selection and arrangement thereof and all source codes and all other contents are solely the property of Arjan Industries & should not be copied for any personal or professional use. The same should be immediately removed if it is in use otherwise if anyone is found to use these contents, legal action will be taken against the same under Indian copyright act 1957.
Members of the public are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for their personal use only. None of the material contained on the website may be used for any other commercial or public use. No part of the website or any material appearing on the website may be reproduced or stored in or transmitted to any other website without the express consent of Arjan Industries. No material appearing on the website may be disseminated in any form either electronic or non-electronic, nor may be included in any retrieval system or service without the prior written consent of Arjan Industries where applicable. Any other use of the material and content of this website is strictly prohibited. Any person entering this website agree that they will not (and will not assist or facilitate any third party) to copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content